HFX Forum

General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: beginnings2004 on August 12, 2004, 12:03:30 PM

Title: need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 12, 2004, 12:03:30 PM
i have a very simple thing i want to do, although know fair amount about puters know little on hacking, after reading a book by cheswick etc, the steps to entering a puter undetected to get a password and remain undetected has me more confused now than before, since it is only one persons puter that i would like to monitor, am wondering if someone would have the patience to help me through this process, will understand if this cannot be done, and am sure you all will think i am nuts lol, and i am *S*
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Metgod on August 12, 2004, 05:31:05 PM
Err, what sort of system is it ? What OS does it run ? do you have physical access ?

One thing you should know is that most often (probably more than that), it's not about obtaining a passwd. It's very often other things. That's not to say it _never_ happens that way but it isn't _usually_ the way.

Anyway, I hope this is for good reasons, but all anyone can really do is suggest you to study the system, find out what it's running (not just OS but services etc), and learn about them. Etc.

If you really want the password, you might want to look up 'sniffers' and 'key stroke loggers' and perhaps (depends on what you can obtain) 'dictionary attacks' (and 'brute force attacks').


Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 12, 2004, 06:42:16 PM
Cheers back at ya metty

ok all send me to an asylum, give me the gold key, the more i research, the blonder i become, great info metty truly appreciated, know o/s, prob most systems, would be remote, and yes is for good only!!!!!!!!!

Dont have energy or time for rest understatement

Now the asylum part lol, i want to learn this right, if i cant then i dont wanna do it, i dont want to be detected, i want to be good at it, call it pride, ok blonde pride, no jokes pls, sniffing out the best route has me tad overwhelmed

Did i mention confusion ?? they all look great Help lol


Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Uneek on August 12, 2004, 07:03:57 PM
I think the main thing to consider when trying to learn how to do certain things is to take into account the level of knowledge you already have... for example, you can't learn one thing if it requires prior knowledge of another. Not sure if that makes sense or not, but many people think that there is a magical solution to learning how to "hack" and I use that term very loosely. Much of it simply has to do with knowing how a system works and how to bend the rules of it... contrary to popular belief there is no hacktheplanet.exe
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 12, 2004, 07:17:18 PM
thanks uneek

like the play on words btw, if it were magical i would not be seeking some very valuable help from people that are wayyyyyyyyyy past me in this field, yes i do have a fair amount of computer knowledge....from what am reading i need guidance, not afraid of research will do all i have, as i know there is a way of doing it, million dollar ? is how lol

When you start at something you may think you have more knowledge than you truly do in order to do something, sometimes maybe sufficient needing a few bits of info, all i know is i truly need help, hhhhmmmmmmmm maybe sb my signiture line hehe thanks uneek and love the "uneek"

if you have not all guessed by now i have a very quirky sense of humour
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Cobra on August 14, 2004, 10:38:40 AM
Okay before i start this post, i am feeling really ashamed. I raided uneeks music collection and am listening to Twisted Sister. Sorry Uneek! :)  

Well lets start off with, if you have never used a computer for anything other than what microsoft and dell want you to use if for, then take a pill for a second and step back from it.

There is way too much out there for you to go diving in, if you jump in the deep end you will just get frustrated and drown. Which would suck...

Now, question for ya .. are you interested to learn about computer security? or are you just interested to learn enough so that you can access this system?

Because depending on your answer can cut down on a lot of typing time.

1st one would require pointing you in the direct of a lot of R&T

2nd one would point you in the direction of some utilities, scripts and basic command line.

So everyone is beating around the bush on what it is you are asking.  

It started off like you were asking us to tell you what to do to access a system. As the posts have gone on it seems that you are asking to actually get pointed in the direction of some study material because you are interested in security.

To be honest i have no problem helping you either way. But i would like to know what direction im going with the information :)

Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 14, 2004, 05:08:29 PM
Thank you cobra for getting to the i believe the start of the bottom... lol

truly uneek you listen to twisted sister..

perchance any country??? while searching for that could you help find a # of favorite pages seems i inadvertantly misplaced then, how i cringe at the blonde part of me rofl

To answer some of your ?'s cobra and valid ones at that...

First off you be the judge i am the newbie

I do not pretend to be a computer expert by any terms, but am not illiterate either in networking/tcp/dos/html, sorry not keen on dell lol, i do maintain a 40 puter network

I know virtually nothing about perl etc and sorry cant admit how much other stuff *S* not my style

Yes i did come here looking for a means to obtain a password, truly from what i knew, it should of been simple right?? Wrong, i learned that wayyyyyyy to much info for me to sift through but intriging stuff at that. So in answer to your ? and typing time yes i need to know the steps and the right ones for all below

1st Yes i want to access this system first

2nd yes i would like to learn more about the security end

3rd yes the information is daunting but at least i know the back stroke figure can keep my head above water longer...oh my my warped humour again...

First off do you blame them for skipping around the mayberry bush lol, i would not

With all that i have learned aka read, steps are missing and yes i am asking for help in both areas

Cobra even if was just the accessing a system i want to do it right not wrong in as few short steps possible....same would hold true for the security i want to do it right but oh my where do i start

That is why i am here and that is the help am looking for

Hope this helps you all, now i am off to find a list of favorite reading material i misplaced rofl

Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Cobra on August 15, 2004, 07:19:36 AM
Okay, that's fair enough.

Well lets take it from Step 1.

Okay well depending on the target and how much you know about it, will depend how careful you will need to be.

It is kind of hard to guide ya without knowing what sort of target it is. For example if it was only a small network that is located at some travel agents. Chances of them having hardcore security and IDS are slim. But if it was part of 100+ network there is a good chance. Now i know most people will say "You should make sure you keep stealth or whatever at all times" .. BOLLOX! Pure and simple. Some cases just do not require it. So here is some questions for you.

Is the computer on a Network?
If so how big of a network or how big is the company?
If it is a single PC is it a home PC or Office?
What do you know about the user of that pc?
Do you know anything about the security of the network?
Do you know anything about the security of the building that the PC is held in?
Would it be accessible for dump-diving to gain information that way?
Have you done scans on the network or PC already? - PS: If you are scanning the target, please read the man page for your scanner. It would mean the difference between staying hidden and wearing a flashing fucking light on your head.
If so what have you found?
What OS is it running? + Release
What services is it running?
Would the target lend itself to social engineering of information?
Do they have web servers?
What is the history of the servers?
What services does the server offer?
etc etc etc..

See how many question there are .. and that is just a basic start of gathing information before you even think of an attack. Now you can narrow all that down by giving some information on what the target is. But that is not really information that can be spoken about on a public board *hint*

Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Tazinator on August 16, 2004, 02:22:01 PM
Well, im just gonna throw in my $0.02 here to quote Uneek ;)

If you want to delve into the arena that is computer / network security, it takes a lot of effort to get really good at it. Not gonna lie to you. Granted there are "Hacking Schools" and classes being offered to make it seem as though its an easy thing to learn, but in my experience, it isnt.

Ive never really been to any classes on security myself, everything ive learned has been through practical experience and books. Lots of books. I have a small section of forest in my library at home and in the office. Depending on how you learn, you should start aquiring a library yourself. I know some people require more then just written text to learn something such as someone showing them in a classroom type environment. You should do what it nessisary to get the fundamentals down pat. If you have to learn in classes, theres no need to blow outrageous dough on "Security" classes. Take the basics and what you learn there can apply to security.

Id have to say that 99% of Hacking and Security in IT comes from out-of-the-box thinking. Taking basic understanding and know-how and applying it in ways not commonly thought of or intended. Additionally, its also the never give up attitude too. Working on something to the wee hours of the morning till it works is a common staple of good security people.

<steps off soap box>

Ok, ive said what I needed to ;)

Heres also a good place to get books on technology cheaper then B&N and Amazon: http://www.bookpool.com/
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 18, 2004, 04:24:56 PM
ty tazinator 2 cents there might only be worth one cent here lol, but always appreciated!!!!!

Truly, from all that i have read, and the more that i do read, i truly have my work cut out for me, this is something i feel i can be good at, something that interests me, i know that the amount of work reading experimenting will be incredible

ummm sitting in classes would probably bore me lol, in fact i know so, but more to the point is the people that work with it everyday in my estimation has a better understanding of what you need to know, where things are heading and hey more willing to explore etc

The book site you gave me is incredible!!! thank you :)

I want to learn this, i am determined to learn this, i feel this is the best way to learn it, that is why i am here.......it wont be easy and i know that i have not even a hint of what i got myself into but look out.... lol gotta learn from the best...

loved the soap box, it tells me much, one that time and energy need not be wasted, that truly someone cares but most importantly, you all know what i am up against.... i dont know yet.....lol

yikes i truly am insane but i love it...
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Tazinator on August 18, 2004, 10:18:05 PM
Yeah, you got your work cut out ahead of you. But I like to make sure that someone eager to get into the scene can do so on the right path and I know everyone else here feels the same way. Its far too often that people get blinded by what they think can get them money and glory with friends and they skip steps and take shortcuts and lie and then that hurts the security community as a whole.

Its not often we get someone that isnt all about "I want to hack my GF's hotmail account" or "bosses bank account" or junk like that. ;)
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Uneek on August 22, 2004, 02:28:56 PM
Well... for the record... I listen to almost everything, although not too keen on twisted sister... (I think Cobby's confused twisted sister for norwegian boat music... my fav!)

Actually I also DJ part time and find myself listening mostly to what I spin which is House, Hip-Hop and R&B... along with Rock which I don't spin much of...

And another note... good luck Beginnings...  ;D
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: Cobra on August 22, 2004, 05:13:14 PM
hahaha .. Look at Uneek the bollox! Pimpin his DJ advertisment warez! haha ;)
Title: Re:need help am new
Post by: beginnings2004 on August 22, 2004, 09:49:36 PM
hhhhhhmmmmmmm wonders how soon i can get into uneeks puter, would save alot of time downloading jk, and trust me is not me that needs the luck is the person that is helping me that i will drive past insane...but that is not so bad is it... a dj huh....cool...on second thought does a person have 9 lives like a cat rofl i think i will need them.... ???