Need Help! Please :)

Started by Reaperman, April 17, 2003, 11:37:24 PM

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Hey all - currently in the middle of a new box build. Ran into a few bugs. My old box was a Win XP box with a IBM deskstar series HD... the primary storage for it was set in FAT32 format. My new box is running Win 2K, with everything in NTFS (a 10 gig partition and a 70 gig partition) on a seagate drive. Now, the problem is, I saved a bunch of stuff I wanted to transfer over on the old hd. I set the beast to slave, put my seagate to master, and hooked them up. My machine picks up both drives, no problems, but when I go to copy my files over from the old XP box, I get weird I/O errors and conflicts with files. Some files copy over just fine... most don't. Any ideas?

Could be a million and one problems. Can you jot down the errors you are getting, and the conflicts. Off the top of your head was it hardware conflicts or software?

But without seeing and going over the errors with a fine tooth comb, i can't really say. Could be anything from hardware issues to just system configuration and software problems.

The last time i actually saw that was about 4-5 months ago, and it turned out to be the IDE lead fucked. It also happens alot with Cat5 cables i notice. When the cable is just fucked it will drop connection half way and give you errors out your ass. The IDE strap did a similar thing for me. Would start transfering, then it would die all of a sudden and give access violations and all sorts of colorful numbers..

Throw me over the error messages mate, and we can trouble shoot it from there :)

I am not suffering with insanity... I am loving every minute of it.

Thx Cobra for the response. Well, to start off with, I already checked the IDE cables, and have tried three other replacements, so I'm pretty confident that it's not the cables. The pins on the back of both HD's are fine, or at least appear that way. Each hard drive works fine in it's respective machine, so I'm led to believe that both of them are working in proper order. The errors I've been getting have been "The system cannot transfer file ( [fill in whatever filename and extension you want from .bat,.mp3,.mpg,.avi,.doc,.etc etc etc] because of a(n) I/O error." Another one of the fun errors is "You cannot copy/transfer this file because of a sharing violation." However, there are no secured files/folders on that drive. I think those are the most common errors (I'm on vacation right now so not in front of the box ... yeah, I know...taking vacation in the middle of a box build...what the hell's wrong with me?! :) Any ideas would be appreciated. Thx.

I would say check the Event Log and look for anything that might be related to the copying process. It very well could be the file system compatibility. I know 2000 is supposed to recognize FAT32 just fine, but as with all MS products, I think they altered the formatting slightly when XP formats FAT32 vice when 2000 does. I once had the issue with a 98 FAT32 HDD thrown into a 2000 machine and the 2K machine had problems similar to that. Also, what led me to believe it was a difference in FAT was when I formatted a floppy, a floppy disk mind you in a 98 machine and 2K machines had a rough time with it.
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is this still an issue?

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