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Started by Zerored, May 19, 2002, 04:21:13 PM

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And people are complaining about pornography on the internet. Suddenly, porno doesnt seem so important anymore...

what a game.. *rofl*
I can't wait for media/politicians reaction ...
*hopes it bothers them senseless*
"My Terminal is my Soul"

Oh, and as far as whether games cause violence.. BAH like hell they do...
There would be much more violence if that was the case...
the media and politicians just want to have something they can blame and they
are weak and petty to blame something that is so vulnerable ... with an excuse and blame,
they can do something 'useful' and hopefully solve the 'problem'.. thing is there
isn't a problem ...

"My Terminal is my Soul"

well, why hate??? racial prejudiceness is sooo old school. Its like "HELLO...GET A LIFE!!" Find somethin else to be mad at. Geeze, hate goes cyber. Its a waste of brain cells. lets hate them because ***ignorant statement here*** Our country wouldnt be where it is today if it wasn for diversity. Yes, the holocaust did happen, so did slavery these idiots need to just accept it and move on. Crazy thing is, most neo whatevers arent even German. Now, we gotta worry bout terrorist. life must be lonely hatin everybody. And as far as taking jobs are so concerned, if they are so pissed, then take some friggin computer courses in between klan rallys!!! in alot of cases hate=jealousy...


sounds like the need for rm -rf /*

my opinion. take it, leave it.

alt email address:

heh ...
it's just a game.. I don't know why people get SOOO uptight about a god damn game...
if you think this is bad, you'd have to hear my idea for a game... anyhow, it's just a game
It's not real.. it's based on a real thing yes, but it's just a game .. get over it

"My Terminal is my Soul"

im with will on that one...still love ya metty hehe...

Okay, something that needs to be said....

I do NOT, I repeat NOT condone the plot of the game.. Slaughtering innocent people
because of ethnicitiy, race, religion (even though I despise religion ...) is WRONG. Dead
wrong at that. So please don't misunderstand me ..

Also, I was just informed by a good mate that this game violates a us law.. a federal
law at that.. life in prison, no parole.. we'll see what happens..

"My Terminal is my Soul"

my misunderstanding. I was thinkin plot. as far as violence in video games...i dont agree either i dont see how that causes violence. Umm, its the way Metty, what IS your idea for a game..hehe

Yeah I don't think racism is cool at all.. it sucks..  I just think sometimes the US
gets a little too involved.. but that's besides the point ...
No, it's not right to violate someone because of their color of skin or whatever..
that's just fucked up...

but yeah, violent games don't cause violence.. period.. I don't care what anyone says..
not even statistics (which there will never be some that 'prove' the matter) will change
my view...

"My Terminal is my Soul"

Blackthorne ROX

8) Wilnix
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*only sees two game titles and isn't sure where this post went.. *

MUDs ?

"My Terminal is my Soul"

UT2k3, Blackthorne, HALO (soon?), and the good ole faithful: Starcraft Broobwar >=]

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