Malicious hacking towards spammers

Started by Syxx, February 25, 2003, 12:08:17 PM

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Just wondering what peoples views would be about malicious hacking towards spammers and the sites their spam links to.

I have been fairly ethical in the past, yes I have changed my share of index.html in my day, but I always left a backup and always emailed the admin with the vulnerabily and how to patch it.

What would your view be on say accessing a machine used to mass spam 24/7, or the site the spam is advertising, and doing something like deleting the drive?

Horrible thing? or good, they deserved it, one less spammer temporarily disabled?

I don't think anyone here would see a problem with this. Spammers are, as far as I'm concerned, pathetic peons of the world and they should be wiped off the face of this world (or at least the Internet ;D).

They take up time (which is money), energy, and annoy the fuck out of people. Not to mention disgust people with some things. Fuck them all. Hell, kill them all. Their stupid antics, including pathetic disclaimers and the remove yourself option, makes things worse.

I say that when someone doesn't care about you, then you shouldn't care about the. If they want to be unethical towards you, then why be ethical towards them ?

That saying that two wrongs don't make a right.. well, I totally disagree. If someone is fucking with you in anyway, get even ! ;D

"My Terminal is my Soul"

Take the fuckers down. I follow my own run of ethics aswell. But Ethics dont even come into play when it comes to Spammers.

If someone punched you in the face, would you not strike back?

Someone ass rapes my bandwidth, time, money, business, inbox, etc etc..  I shall give an ass raping back.

I am not suffering with insanity... I am loving every minute of it.

It looks like my anti-spam war with this guy has been won.

From Tue Feb 11 17:00:57 2003
Return-Path: <>
Received: from richardo ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-122-105-20011231) with ESMTP id
   <> for      <>;   Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:00:57 -0500
   2:00:20 PM

I have about 20 spam messages still in my in box.  I was getting about 3-4 spams form this guy every week!  I whois his IP down and found it to be  an AOL account.  I then used GAIM to find and add him to my buddy list.  
Then whenever he came online I would just IM all his fucken' spam back to him.  I also sent an back up email to fill up his inbox just like he did mine.  I haven't seen him online for about a week and I havn't recived ANY spam from this jerk to date!!!  :D  I guess thats just one way to do it.  I would love for any other tips on tracking down spamers, It's so fun hunting them down.

Right on CBK ;D

I say fuck the spammers over again and again. I think one fun way would be to bounce all messages from that addy back, and maybe even to his ISP to make him known as a spammer.

Maybe make the message look like the account doesn't exist or something (so the entire error message basically), and BCC it to ISP *and* the abuse@whatever. Maybe add some humor (sarcasm, satire, maybe some insults, who knows what else) to it. The options are endless.

But good job CBK !


"My Terminal is my Soul"

two wrongs dont make a right but two rights do make a left, left being you mailbox being left alone

March 01, 2003, 12:53:06 PM #6 Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 01:04:48 PM by Syxx
This site just messenger service popup spammed me trying to sell me messenger service spamming software!!!! and the popup said to email them my ip to be removed!! they said I signed up!!! spammers piss me off soooo bad...... they are charging insane amount of money for their software too, its over double the price of windows xp pro.....

The use the quote "Practically untraceable" to advertise it...

As well as "Please do not use this software for spamming. If you do so, you will take full responsibility for your actions. This software is made to send advertising or system popups to your own network."

Thats like me hacking them, telling them they signed up for it, and maybe next time they should emaile me their IP address to unsubscribe first if they dont want it to happen.

spammers are cool  :-X

cool like a frozen pile of crap....

alt email address:

What are the best ways to personally attack & annihilate these cursed spammers (other than dismemberment)? I use spamcop, however I keep getting the same shit over & over again after they have changed thier email addresses. >:(

Officially.. I'm away from all this for some while, but I thought I'd respond to this.

I don't recommend physically or financially hurting these people. It's sad to say that authority figures would actually care about these bastards. but they do. So you can only get yourself into more trouble by doing that. Yeah, probably not what you wanted to hear but it's the truth.

As far as what to do for spam...  Let me recommend some things for avoiding it in the future. I came up with these and I think they are pretty effective, or at least helps quite a bit. This list goes for EVERYONE...

1. If you have friends that forward things to you and others, request (read: demand) that they put you in BCC (blind carbon copy). Why ? Because the truth is.. if it keeps getting forwarded... some greedy bastard will see it, be it in an archive in a website, or in the email itself. They will take the oppurtunity to either sell your email to others OR use it themselves to spam the hell out of you.

2. Keep more than one email address for different reasons. If you have a private and a work or general 'public' email address, then if you give only a small amount of your private one (The most important one really), less likely for you to be spammed in the long run. Of course, RULE 1 applies here too. BCC is your friend, folks!

3. Forward addresses are heros! What you do is create one normal POP3 address and one forward address. You then have the forward address forward to your main POP3 addy. Now, you set it so your client shows your FORWARD address and not your pop3 address. You also change reply-to so it is even more 'official'. Now, when someone spams your forward and you get tired of it.. you simply change the address and od the same thing. Of course there are variations of this and I think you can all figure it out. REMEMBER: keep the other rules in mind.

4. Is there a link to email you on *any* website ? If so, you might want to reconsider it... Spam bots can go through and check for links of email and copy it to their spam list. If  you want your email on a website, make sure you don't have a link. Here is a good way of doing it:


sure it may confuse some people, but what's better ? spam or confusing those who can't figure much of anything out ?

You could also just have it as in.. '' but no link. Just think about the fact that links are a bad idea if you care about spam bots.

And once again, follow the other rules!

I am sure I have come up with other ideas, but this is a start. These tips really do help.

One that of course I did not come up with ...

Simple one we all know: NEVER reply to a spammer or click a link to get off the list. You'll be spammed even more.


"My Terminal is my Soul"

funny how my point of no link on an example email turned out to be a link....

oh well, I think the ideas is there.
"My Terminal is my Soul"

I'm a big fan of Outlook (Laugh if you must), and it has this wonderful feature called Email Rules. What's so wonderful you may ask? Well the fact that you can build your own filters to monitor spam...
It sounds worse than it really is, if you analyze enough spam, you'll see so many of the same keywords that would never be in an email from a friend or family member. Once you got your Rules laid out, you can have them redirect the spam to your trash folder (even delete it w/o moving it... but you gotta trust your rules for that).
This has been my best shot at beating back the ocean of spam in my 5 email boxes everyday.

However, I will say the spam industry is expanding so quickly even my method of protection is a....
hmmm.... well it's a small hope really, but what the fuck, what every email I don't have to delete is one less SPAM I gotta remove myself.
Digital Suicide
HFX, International
Internal Affairs Officer

spamc/spamd, anomy sanitizer, and any email client you want...

Life is good....

alt email address:


DS, why do you think we'd laugh at you ? *shrugs*

I know I used to scoff at people who use linux but that was childish of me.. and I don't do that now. I know I'm not a huge fan of linux but that's for several personal reasons... and well, I don't care anymore.

No one has the right to scoff at others for using their choice of programs/os's. This applies to Windows, MacOS, Unix, Linux.. and any other OS and the same applies to any programs within those OS's..

That's about it. Anyone who laughs at others because they use a 'lame' client or whatever.. can go fuck off. It's none of their business...


"My Terminal is my Soul"

As Metty has said, if I can paraphrase to some extent, "There are no good programs, only good hackers!" Well actually that's not really what he said, and strictly speaking it's not actually true, but I think ya'll know what I meant! Has anyone taken a look at the bill that is currently in Congress, the anti-spam legislation sponsered by the Sen. from Montana? I think the NY Times ran an article on it sometime in November or early this month? I confess I really don't know the in's and out's of it, but if it kicks spammers in the crotch in anyway then it can't be all bad! Cheers....
All's fair in Love and Brewing.

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